The Peter Navarro "Patriot COURAGE Pin"
We have received several questions and comments about the COURAGE pin we made for Peter Navarro. The issue of "Separation of Powers" is a blood relative to FREE SPEECH. When presidents ask their advisors for advice, these conversations have always been confidential. However, when a subpoena was issued for Mr, Navarro to testify about those confidential conversations, he refused.
At great personal cost and sacrifice, his personal conviction and sense of duty and honor to the oath he took, Mr. Navarro has lost his freedom. As we see it, he has sacrificed his freedom standing up for FREE SPEECH. His courage CANNOT go un-noticed!!! His courage and bravery echo the spirit of our nations founding principles. Free speech is part of the bedrock of this great nation. Mr. Navarro is trying to preserve that right for all of us.
On behalf of 8th Day Industries:
THANK YOU. You are a rare and true American Patriot.
8th Day Industries "Patriot COURAGE Pin".
This pin is NOT available for purchase.
On May 15 of this year, 8th Day Industries issued a Patriot Courage Pin to John Eastman. Mr. Eastman's work on the "Consent of the Governed" is something that too cannot go unnoticed. Only legislative action can change how elections are conducted, period end of story. However, time and time again changes were made in several states absent the required legislative authority. Apparently, raising these concerns and asking questions about these facts could very well cost him his ability to practice law. Mr. Eastman has been nothing less than a blessing to this nation. The fact the he will not kneel to the law fare intended to hurt and destroy his amazing reputation is the kind of COURAGE we all must have. Thank you for working to bless this nation!